Keywords: economy, politics, small business, agriculture, agro-industrial complex


The article highlights the current topic of economic policy aimed at supporting small businesses in the agro-industrial complex (APC). Focusing on various aspects of support, the study reveals the essence of effective tools that contribute to the growth and competitiveness of small agrarian enterprises. One of the key topics of the study is financial support. The authors highlight the need for access to financial resources through credit, subsidies and grants. Low-interest loans can become a driver for investment and small business development in the agricultural sector, creating a favorable financial foundation for farms. The second aspect of research is technical support and consultation. Highlighting the importance of consultation centers, where farmers can receive technical advice, emphasizes the importance of implementing modern methods and technologies in agriculture. No less important aspect is insurance and guarantees. Establishing an agricultural insurance system can help farmers protect their crops from adverse weather and risks. State guarantees provided to attract private capital can become an effective tool for ensuring the stability and development of the industry. Another important component is the stimulation of innovation and the introduction of technologies. The study argues that financial support for research and the introduction of new technologies can significantly raise the level of productivity and create conditions for the sustainable development of the industry. Marketing and sales support, the study of which is also part of the study, emphasizes the importance of establishing agricultural cooperatives and expanding sales markets through effective marketing strategies. The article not only highlights the essence and effectiveness of economic policy tools to support small businesses in agriculture, but also provides practical recommendations for politicians and practitioners in the field of agriculture. This study acts as an important contribution to the development of economic growth strategies in the agricultural sector aimed at the sustainable maintenance and development of small enterprises in this field.


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