Keywords: investment potential, indicators, criteria, potential life cycle, food industry enterprises


The investment activity of enterprises is determined, among other important factors, by their resource capabilities. In this context, understanding the essence and assessing the investment potential of food industry enterprises create prerequisites for outlining the perspective of the scale of investment activities. The purpose of the article is to develop a scientific approach to the methodology for assessing the investment potential of food industry enterprises. The article reveals the importance of the investment potential for the investment activity of the enterprise. The essence of the investment potential of the enterprise is determined and it is justified that the assessment of the investment potential of food industry enterprises is carried out taking into account the stage of the life cycle of the enterprise at the moment, and requires taking into account the specifics of product production, the level of its competitiveness, the technological level of the enterprise, the presence of innovative solutions and many other factors that directly affect the formation and value of investment potential. It is proposed to assess the level of investment potential by calculating its integral indicator by dividing the investment potential into groups of simpler indicators: first, private potentials are identified, which are conditioned by simple indicators, which are subsequently taken into account when calculating the integral indicator of the enterprise's investment potential. The practical value of the article lies in the fact that the diagnosis of investment potential according to the proposed method of its assessment allows to investigate the trend of its change, contributes to the development of directions of the enterprise's investment policy, correction of long-term investment goals and ensures the efficiency of the enterprise's investment activities and its sustainable development. It was determined that the proposed scientific-methodical approach to assessing the investment potential of food industry enterprises should be used to analyze their economic activity based on the results of past periods and to develop long-term development forecasts at regular intervals.


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How to Cite
Hryvkivska , O., & Arenovych, I. (2024). ASSESSMENT OF THE INVESTMENT POTENTIAL OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (60).