Keywords: competitiveness, region, aspects of competitiveness, social responsibility, advantages, factors of competitiveness


The article examines the approaches to defining the category "competitiveness of the region". A comprehensive interpretation of the region's competitiveness is generalized on the basis of previously identified scientific approaches. The average attention is paid to the fact that the competitiveness of the region is determined in the following aspects: achieving a high standard of living, efficient functioning of economic structures and ensuring the investment affiliation of the region. It is determined that an important factor in ensuring the described aspects of the region's competitiveness is the implementation of social responsibility measures by enterprises. The article establishes that the proof of this is, first of all, the approaches to the interpretation of the category of "social responsibility". Modern business environment and scholars approach the interpretation of the term "corporate social responsibility" somewhat differently. But both are inclined to define the International Standard ISO 26000 "Guidelines for Social Responsibility". In the long run, the implementation of corporate social responsibility involves building a strategy that directs the company to implement the principles of sustainable development, accountability and transparency and to achieve high standards of operating and production activities. At the next stage, according to research, it is established that organizations that include social responsibility in their strategy, receive significant benefits from its implementation. Namely, such enterprises can count on greater investor attractiveness, a higher level of trust on the part of the population, government and local self-government, increase of commercial and production efficiency of activity, etc. Internal social programs of such companies are a powerful factor in motivating and loyal to their employees. Accordingly, business owners benefit from CSR activities. The benefits of socially responsible activities of economic structures directly or indirectly affect the competitiveness of regions in relevant aspects. The article identifies a hypothetical relationship between the benefits that companies receive from implementing CSR strategies and aspects of the region's competitiveness that have been identified previously. It is proved that conducting socially responsible activity by enterprises promotes its spread among the population, authorities, public institutions and organizations. And this in turn helps to increase the competitiveness of the region.


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How to Cite
Matskiv, R., Topolnytska, T., & Danyleichuk, R. (2021). SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF ENTERPRISES AS A FACTOR OF ENSURING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE REGION. Economy and Society, (26).