The purpose of the article is to study the problem of forming communication strategies of business entities, to compare the practice in Ukraine with foreign countries. The goal is to reveal the theoretical aspects of the formation of communication strategies of business entities, to analyze the problems that exist in the formation of communication strategies, to determine the role of communications in the activities of modern enterprises and organizations. The article is devoted to the study of the methods of forming a communication strategy in marketing and the importance of these methods for modern enterprises and organizations. Marketing communications is an interaction between the subjects of the marketing system, which allows for coordination and decision-making regarding marketing actions. To reveal this topic, we conducted research of a socio-economic nature and investigated the formation of a communication strategy. In various aspects: in particular, in the philosophical, modern technologies of formation were investigated together with the factors of influence of the external environment and scientific sources were analyzed. In the course of the work, internal and external factors influencing the formation of communication strategies were outlined. Examples of the application of modern and non-standard methods of communication strategy formation in international practice are also given. In modern socio-economic conditions, the topic of forming a communication strategy is very relevant. The issue of communication has always worried both domestic and foreign researchers, the topic is interesting from a theoretical and practical point of view, because in the conditions of a market economy, new questions arise regarding the formation of the communication strategy of business entities. The effectiveness of marketing communications depends on the personal characteristics of each subject of the marketing system, as well as on the means of communication and methods of their stimulation. Communications is a dynamic process at the enterprise level, which includes not only information flows, but also the entire range of psychological interaction, both within the workforce and with external partners. To achieve success in a global competitive environment, enterprises use a communication model that involves an active policy of influence on the market in order to create demand for products.
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