Keywords: working capital, production stocks, accounts receivable, turnover rate, ways of optimization


Managing current assets and determining the optimal size plays an important role in managing the efficiency of an enterprise. To date, most of the work has been devoted to the management of industrial inventories when placing an order for an enterprise’s products. The main purpose of writing this article is to develop a method for managing current assets of a mining company by determining the rational size of production of marketable products and the price for it, which will ensure the highest turnover ratio of current assets. Research has shown that the turnover ratio of current assets depends on net income and the ability of the consumer to pay for the products received. Functionally, the main objects of optimization are sales volumes and prices of commercial products. During the study, the ratio of accounts payable and receivable was analyzed, as well as the ability to pay for its current obligations at the expense of its own working capital. The work uses methods and techniques of statistical and correlation analysis to determine the dependence of changes in individual components of the turnover ratio of current assets on production volumes and prices for marketable products. A connection was established between the level of formation of industrial reserves and the volume of production of iron ore concentrate at a mining and processing enterprise. The dependence of changes in the average increase in accounts receivable on production volumes and prices for iron ore products has also been established. The use of economic and mathematical modeling was used to formulate a criterion for optimizing the level of efficiency in the use of current assets of mining enterprises. The obtained analytical dependences make it possible to form a production program of a mining enterprise under the condition of the most efficient use of its current assets and to obtain a significant economic effect as a result of the acceleration of capital turnover. As a result of the conducted research, we determined that the main economic results are the relative release of current assets from turnover


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How to Cite
Maksymova, O., Maksymov, S., & Omelchenko, O. (2024). JUSTIFICATION OF WAYS TO INCREASE THE EFFICIENCY OF MINING ENTERPRISES CURRENT ASSETS USE. Economy and Society, (60). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-60-64