The purpose of the article is to study the experience of the EU and China in the field of biogas production from agricultural waste. It was determined that the development of biogas production is of key importance from ecological, energy and economic perspectives. The main aspects that demonstrate the need for the development of this industry are: reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; diversification of the energy mix; stimulation of the agricultural sector; job creation and economic development: the expansion of biogas production opens up opportunities for the creation of new jobs in rural areas and regions with processing industry; improving air quality and public health. It has been studied that the experience of European countries in the field of biogas production from agricultural waste is currently very different, and the future of biogas production on the continent largely depends on already existing technologies and local support schemes of national governments. The need to implement the practice of biogas production in China based on the "New Rural Energy Program" ("New Rural Energy Program"), which was launched in 2002 by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture with the aim of promoting the development of the use of renewable energy sources in agriculture, is substantiated. Ukraine, as a country that is looking for ways to increase energy and food security in the conditions of military invasion and refusal of the aggressor country's energy carriers, is considering the possibilities of biogas production, using the experience of the European Union and China. The experience of these countries shows that the development of the biogas industry can help diversify the energy mix, stimulate the development of the agricultural sector, increase agricultural productivity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This article examines the positive effects of the introduction of biogas technologies in Ukrainian rural areas and proposes specific measures to achieve this goal. The need to implement the experience of the world's leading countries in the field of biogas production through the development of a national strategy and policy was determined, namely to supplement the "Energy Strategy of Ukraine for the period until 2050", which should include goals, objectives, incentive mechanisms, regulatory measures and other aspects aimed at promoting the development of the biogas industry in Ukraine.
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