The article is devoted to the actual issues of the development of the institute of state control in Ukraine. The activity of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine and the State Audit Service of Ukraine, which are head the institutional body of state control over the legality and efficiency of the use of financial resources in general and in particular – on social development, is also analyzed. The study of world experience of state control organization has shown that internal control is intended to provide reasonable assurance of the achievement of objectives, in keeping with the economic, efficient and effective use of financial resources. The analysis showed that stable social development of society is impossible without institutional changes in the state control sphere, which primarily should create conditions for observance of legality in the process of using financial resources in the social sphere. The article outlines ways to strengthen the system of state control as an effective mechanism for improvement of efficiency of use of financial resources for social development. The analysis showed that social development of society is impossible without stable quality institutions in the field of state financial control. Priority is the observance of the legality of using financial resources in the social sphere, which ensures the person development at the proper level. The analysis of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine’s reports shows that in 2014–2017 violations of the budget legislation were detected and cases of inefficient management and use of public funds in the social sphere, that is, aimed at solving social issues, financing health care, science, education, culture and sports. The development of the institution of state financial control in Ukraine should be made taking into account the state of the institutional environment of the country and the likely directions of its changes as a result of the influence of internal and external factors influencing the financing of social development. The further development of the state control institution should be based on the mechanisms for increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of independent external and internal state control over the use of financial resources, the implementation of best practices in international experience in the implementation of state control, the introduction of new forms and methods for the provision of social development. Building a functioning high-quality institution of state control taking into account advanced technologies to increase its ability, effectiveness and value will contribute to the formation of a mechanism for increasing the efficiency of the use of financial resources for social development.
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