Today, there is a growing demand for quick and convenient food options among consumers due to their lack of free time. Fast catering is becoming not only a choice of living conditions but also one of the main alternatives to traditional restaurants and cafes. Analysis of secondary marketing information also indicates that consumers pay special attention to the quality of products and speed of service in food establishments. Companies that are able to provide high-quality meals while maintaining the efficiency of the service process have a better chance of success in this market. The key influencing factors on consumers when choosing public catering establishments were identified, such as affordability, variety of menus, and attention to the dietary needs of customers. Companies that can effectively consider these aspects can successfully adapt their strategy to the changing needs of consumers and the competitive environment. Research on the fast food service market indicates a high level of competition and constant changes in consumer preferences. McDonald's is a key player in this market and has successfully adapted to changing conditions, providing a wide selection of dishes and focusing on product quality. In Ukraine, the main competitor for McDonald's restaurants in the fast food segment is KFC restaurants. Today, successful campaigns that use innovative approaches and promote the formation of a positive image play an important role in attracting and retaining customers. The results of the collected primary marketing information proved that the introduction of innovative concepts and the expansion of the menu will allow satisfying various tastes and preferences of customers in the market of fast food services, and therefore will improve the image of establishments that offer them and attract the attention of customers. We are talking about replenishing the range of dishes offered by fast food establishments with new plant-based alternatives. Their list is determined based on the collection of primary marketing information through consumer surveys. Prospects for further research are related to the identification of possible risks that the field of fast catering will face in the post-war period.
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