Keywords: marketing, concept, evolution of concepts, stages of evolution, digital economy, information and communication technologies


The article examines the essence of the marketing concept, proposes a methodical approach to its development. The stages of the evolution of the marketing concept have been systematized and improved. Despite this, there is no single approach to defining the term "digital economy". The reason for this is the very rapid development of technologies. We determined the role of the digital economy for the further development of the national economy as a whole, and also systematized approaches to defining the term "digital economy". Also, the authors proposed their own definition of the digital economy. The direction of marketing adaptation based on information and communication technologies has gained further development. The development and implementation of marketing innovations in the market environment in the conditions of the digital economy is the only way to increase the competitiveness of the national economy. The current state of Ukraine's economy is characterized by increased competition. These processes put a number of certain demands on the economy of Ukraine, the main of which is the adoption of high-quality and timely marketing management decisions to expand sales markets and attract new consumers. However, it should be noted that traditional marketing is still widely used in Ukraine. But, today, the effectiveness of this concept is quite optimal. Today, in marketing, it is not enough to pay attention only to satisfying the needs of consumers. That is, we are talking about the creation of new requirements to meet new needs, which requires the development and use of new marketing tools. As you know, the theory of marketing arose in the second half of the 19th century in the United States of America as a result of the economic crisis and the problems associated with it, namely the overproduction of goods, the imperfection of the goods distribution system, etc. As a result, scientists and practitioners faced the problem of influencing the market and consumers by developing and implementing appropriate marketing tools. With the advent of digital information technologies, the worldwide Internet and personal computers, both consumer behavior and the national economy itself have changed, leading to the advent of the digital era. The strategic goal of the economy is the development of the digital economy. The digital economy promotes increased labor productivity, which is demonstrated by the adoption of digital technologies by a large number of consumers. This impact involves changing existing economic processes, existing consumer behavior, interactions and business models.


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How to Cite
Verkhoglyadova , N., Kononova, I., & Morozova, Y. (2024). THE CONCEPT OF MARKETING IN THE DIGITAL ECONOMY. Economy and Society, (60).