The article reveals the features of the formation of a personal brand of marketing specialists. It is proved that the personal brand of the marketer can contribute to the formation of the brand of the company, increase its competitiveness. Thanks to the research of the attitude towards the personal brand, we found out what advantages the brand provides, what qualities and skills a specialist should have in order to be in demand. Personal brand is identified with reputation and image; is a means to achieve the goals of a specialist or organization and professionalism. A high level of income and additional privileges are what most respondents expect from an effective personal brand. A marketer with a strong brand must think strategically, have an analytical mind, quickly adapt to the situation, be creative and be able to communicate effectively. A personal brand is most needed by a marketer engaged in individual consulting. In this case, the cost of creating and maintaining the brand will be more appropriate. The formation of a personal brand of a marketer consists of certain stages that have their own characteristics. You need to start thinking about creating a personal brand while studying. At this stage, the foundations of their own strategy for building a personal brand are already laid, goals are determined, plans for implementing the strategy are possible, the competitive environment is analyzed, a positioning strategy is chosen. Lack of something will force a person to continue to develop their professional skills and knowledge, strive for improvement, constantly monitor the latest trends and innovations in marketing.Forming an effective personal brand for a marketer is a time-consuming and long-term work that begins with self-analysis and identification of your own unique characteristics. To do this, you need to carefully analyze your skills, experience, knowledge and find out the strengths that determine the uniqueness of a person as a marketer. To maintain a personal brand, it is recommended to share your knowledge and experience, adhere to high standards of ethics and responsibility in your work. Constant improvement of your own brand, monitoring its effectiveness, reaction to changes is a constant process, and it can change in accordance with the development of the individual
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