The article considers the main theoretical and applied aspects of capitalization management of agro-industrial enterprises in the conditions of transformational processes in the economy. The state of capitalization of agribusiness enterprises has been analyzed and the main problems of increasing the value have been identified. It has been proposed to consider the capitalization of the company as an indicator that reflects the totality of the realization of the interests of interested parties, and which changes under the influence of certain factors and reflects the price of the enterprise. It has been substantiated that for the holding structures of the agro-industrial complex, the complex management of capitalization risks is an urgent need, as it makes it possible to minimize the negative impact of turbulence in the external environment. Internal risk and market (periodic) risks of capitalization of agro-industrial complex enterprises have been distinguished. Timely systematization of internal and external risks makes it possible to form a system of response measures, since the impact of external risks is not predictable and only adaptation tools can act as appropriate response measures. The main approaches to the systematization of the risks of influence on changes in the capitalization of agribusiness enterprises have been characterized. Groups of factors that will influence the further development of the risk management toolkit have been identified. To minimize capitalization risks, it has been proposed to use capitalization management methods based on the balanced growth model, namely the concept of VBM. At the same time, the synergy of profitability, solvency and net cash flows during the implementation of the enterprise's business processes under the influence of uncertainty factors of the investment, financial and market environment should be taken into account. Separating the management of the capitalization of the corporation based on the achievement of its balanced growth into a separate group of risk management methods will allow to build a strategy for the development of the enterprise, which contributes to the achievement of the alignment of the interests of economic actors interested in the economic results of activities and in the further maximization of capitalization.
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