Keywords: stock trading, securities market, innovative digital technologies, blockchain


In the conditions of global changes and the conduct of martial law, which has caused a number of challenges for the state economy and for enterprises in particular, the state and its enterprises must still strive to preserve industrial relations, preserve and develop market and business relations, maintain their positions on the sales market of goods and provision of services, and at the same time ensuring the dynamics of the development of production and trade in the conditions of crisis phenomena caused by the pandemic, martial law, trade and customs restrictions. The main element of ensuring effective trade is exchange activity, which is a constantly operating market. Stock market activity is an indicator of the economic state of the state, enterprise, industry and economy in general. It ensures an effective exchange process, forms a price policy, sets standards, ensures equal competition, is the basis of dynamic changes and development of the economy as a whole. The Ukrainian economy, in the conditions of today's difficult socio-economic situation caused by the state of war, has managed to maintain the stability of the market economy, as a result, a number of economic relations, primarily trade, have moved into remote mode, including stock exchange trading. Due to the specifics of the relationship, stock market activity was one of the first to move to a digital format, where it took a long way to innovative development and initiated new institutional changes that are used in other sectors of the economy. Therefore, our research is aimed at studying this process in order to analyze the course and dynamics of changes, to study both positive and negative trends with the possibility of taking them into account in other areas of economic activity. Taking into account all influencing factors in innovative conditions of development, we can predict the dynamics of the formation of the economic system with a detailed description of the key influencing factors. In this case, stock market activity acts as a locomotive that provides the possibility of automated interaction of subjects of economic relations.


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