Keywords: labor resources, operational management, human resources management, management efficiency, labor productivity


This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the impact of human resource management on the efficiency of operational management. The study aims to delve into the theoretical aspects of the relationship between these two key areas and analyze a practical case that demonstrates the effectiveness of human resource management in Varyag Limited Liability Company in Voznesensk district of Mykolaiv region. The article establishes that human resource management and operational management are interdependent aspects that significantly impact the success and efficiency of any enterprise. The study examines in detail the impact of human resource management strategies on employee motivation, productivity, and quality of production. It also takes into account the role of effective communication and collaboration between HR managers and operational managers in achieving optimal results. Furthermore, the article analyzes the dynamics of the average monthly salary of full-time agricultural workers in the Mykolaiv region and compares it with the level of remuneration in Varyag LLC. The study provides a thorough review of the labor resources utilization and labor productivity indicators in this enterprise. It analyzes how Varyag LLC has leveraged effective labor resources management to increase productivity and ensure profitability. The article puts particular emphasis on the issues of cooperation between HR managers and operational managers in optimizing labor resources and improving operational activities. The importance of ensuring the effective use of human potential through proper selection, motivation and development of personnel for better organization of operational processes and increase of overall productivity is emphasized. The study underscores that integrating human resource management strategies with operational management is a crucial step in achieving the successful functioning of an organization. The article can be useful for enterprise leaders, HR managers, operations managers, as well as for researchers who study the problems of human resource management and operations management.


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How to Cite
Kushniruk, V., Kramarchuk, M., & Zozulia, O. (2024). THE IMPACT OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ON THE EFFICIENCY OF OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT. Economy and Society, (60).