The article considers the main theoretical aspects of providing credit services in the conditions of digitalization of the economy. The purpose of the article is to deepen the theoretical foundations of management of the quality credit services provision and the formation of a credit mechanism in the context digitalization. The peculiarities of the implementation of digital marketing and Internet banking in the process of credit services by financial institutions have been considered. The chronology of the development of Internet banking in the field of credit relations has been studied and the specifics of the introduction of digital technologies by domestic banks has been analyzed. The key tasks of transformation of existing credit mechanisms on the basis of digitalization have been identified. It has been substantiated that the credit mechanism in the conditions of digitalization of the economy is an effective lever of influence on the process of interaction of individuals and legal entities with banking and parabanking institutions based on the digital technologies using. The theoretical aspects of the formation of state policy in the field of implementation of the credit mechanism in the context of digitalization have been considered. It has been noted that special attention should be paid to the instruments of the state financial and credit policy in connection with the development of digitalization and the introduction of innovative digital technologies in the process of providing financial and credit services, since the state is the key factor influencing the formation of the digital economy. A methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of the credit mechanism on the regional market of digital credit services has been proposed. The specified method of assessing the effectiveness of the credit mechanism is focused on aspects of the functioning of the digital economy, characterized by complexity and consideration of influencing factors.
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