The article is devoted to the analysis of the current challenges facing international labor migration in the context of the country's economic development, as well as considers the main trends in migration processes taking place both in Ukraine and in other countries of the world. The purpose of the article is to analyze modern trends and consequences of international labor migration based on globalization processes. The following research methods are used in the work: dialectical knowledge of economic processes (to justify the essence of international migration); generalization (to reveal the structure of international labor migration); statistical analysis (to assess trends in international migration flows). The paper analyzes the causes of labor migration, identifies the factors influencing these processes, and assesses the dynamics of migration flows from Ukraine according to various parameters, such as age and gender. Particular attention is paid to the geographical structure of labor migrants from Ukraine, while it is found that the largest number of Ukrainian migrants are in the countries of the European Union. The geographical structure of transfers made by Ukrainian migrants is also studied. The final part of the work rationally substantiates the need and feasibility of implementing the state policy in the field of migration, as well as analyzes the socio-economic consequences of labor migration for the economy of Ukraine. In recent decades, international labor migration has become an integral part of global development. Rising technology, economic globalization, and demographic change are driving people to move between countries in search of better opportunities. This phenomenon has a significant impact on the economies, societies and cultures of both origin and host countries. It was concluded that the stability of the economy directly depends on the effective state regulation of the process of labor migration. Practical value of the article. The high level of migration requires careful and prudent regulation from the states, aimed at creating stable employment conditions, protecting the rights of workers and ensuring economic stability. Employment is becoming a key aspect for ensuring living standards and economic growth in both source and recipient countries. A careful study of this phenomenon and the development of effective policies can contribute to the reduction of negative consequences and the creation of favorable conditions for all participants of the international labor market. A significant difference in the level of wages between countries is a key factor contributing to the growth of labor emigration.
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