The article discusses the basic scientific principles of social project engineering in modern conditions. Since social projects are one of the tools for achieving a high level of quality of life and an indicator of the "maturity" of society, it is proved that, like any other process, it must be managed. It is noted that if design methods are used at the initial stages, then the further "life" of a social project is the stage of its engineering. A common characteristic for the engineering of various processes in different areas of economic activity is their innovation. The study considers the engineering of social projects as a management task, which includes determining the purpose of the project, motivating project participants, attracting and using resources (financial, material, human, information) to achieve a social result. It is confirmed that the purpose of creating and implementing social projects may have a "commercial component", but the general idea is to achieve the public good, which can be in the form of material goods or changes in the social behavior of people (population groups), etc. Moreover, it is shown that the implementation of engineering is carried out in a specific environment. Such an environment, since it is characterized by conditions and determines the participants of interaction, has biological laws of coexistence, is called an ecosystem by the authors. It should be understood as a set of participants and stakeholders in a social project with their defined relationships, rules of interaction that operate in the legislative space of the country and use available resources (information, finance, etc.) to achieve social value. A crowdfunding platform is named as an example of the financial ecosystem of a social project; its structure is revealed. The author identifies five main stages that make it possible to achieve the effectiveness of the social project engineering process: identifying needs and formulating the goal of a social project; creating an initiative group (team) for project implementation; developing the social project ecosystem; managing processes and flows; and evaluating and adjusting.
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