Increasing the investment attractiveness of the organization as a result of transformations is the basis for planning the entire investment process, from determining the volume of future investments to managing financial and economic activities to achieve the desired capital inflow. For the development of domestic organizations, it is necessary to ensure the satisfaction of the interests of not only creditors and investors but also the owners of the organization, who were among the first to find themselves in crises and suffered actual losses of assets invested in their capital. A well-grounded strategy of structural transformations allows the selection of manageable factors that can potentially increase investment value, that is, to determine the organization's internal and external reserves. The article aims to justify the need to introduce transformational processes in the organization. The theoretical and methodological basis of the work is a set of principles and methods of scientific research: the principle of systematization and theoretical generalization, methods of grouping and ranking. According to the goal, the task of managing the organization's cost in the organizational transformation conditions is set. In the process of research, the levels and forms of participation in transformational processes were analyzed and determined depending on the nature and complexity of transformations, maturity, cohesion, and motivation of the group, as well as relations between management and employees; the general principles of the transformation process carried out by specialists of various profiles are given; the sequence of stages of introduction of transformational processes in the organization is given; the directions of the organization's development are proposed and the ways to achieve them are determined; a typology of the main strategies, directions and types of transformations following the organization's development strategies is proposed. The basis for the analysis was the scientific works of domestic scientists on the mentioned issues and the data of the author's research. The scientific and practical novelty of the obtained results lies in the justification of the feasibility of applying the profitable approach as the one that best meets the goals and objectives of structural transformations, as it takes into account the interests of investors, the level of business risk and future changes in income and expenses.
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