Keywords: enterprise social capital, network economy, management of enterprise social capital, digitalization, tools for the development of enterprise social capital, post-war recovery


In a context where the country has not formed a clear model of the economic system, enterprise management models must be adaptive and flexible, which is possible through the implementation of social capital development at the enterprise, balanced digital transformation, and ensuring institutional efficiency (conducting transparent activities). Otherwise, changes at the enterprise will not be supported by value orientations and will not generate a social effect. The literature analysis has shown that the relationship between social capital management and the development of the network economy, namely through the intensification of digital business transformation, has not been systematically studied. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to develop the concept of enterprise social capital management in the network economy. Management of social capital at an enterprise is a system of principles and methods for developing and implementing management decisions related to the formation of social capital potential and ensuring the conditions for its implementation at the external and internal levels. Based on this judgment, the paper defines the principles and objectives of enterprise social capital management. Social capital realizes itself through the functions it performs at the enterprise. They are grouped into two blocks, where social capital is considered as a management system and as a special functional area of enterprise management. The stages of enterprise social capital management include analysis, planning, controlling and monitoring the implementation of planned decisions. Within these stages, structural and logical actions are defined. The implementation of the social capital management process is carried out through the use of specific tools for its development, which are significantly transformed in the network economy. Thus, groups of social capital development tools have been identified, namely: social, value, innovation, and institutional-oriented. A logical sequence of their implementation at the enterprise has been formed. The issue of concretizing the process of integrating the social capital management system into the general management of an enterprise has been further developed, which will be disclosed in the author's subsequent works.


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