The article highlights the main features of modern innovation economy, which are based on the discourse and narratives of the theory of two pyramids that form a person with an innovative type of thinking. Based on the analysis of scientific achievements on the problem of research it was found that a significant place is given to human capital in solving the issue of the country's innovative economy development. However, determining the role of innovative and active person at the macro level and its impact on the formation of international competitive advantages of the country is insufficiently studied. Therefore, the aim of the article is to identify the link between the development of the innovative economy of the country as a whole and the personal motivation to create a new product (product, technology or service). It is established that the development of the country's innovative economy at the present stage is not only to create institutional conditions at the state level, but also, first of all, to educate people in a special type of thinking and desire to create and create. It is proved that such a person must have not only natural abilities and a high level of consciousness, but also be in favorable conditions of his life, the creation of which is a more important task of every country. Creativity of: thinking, behavior, life of an innovative and active person currently forms a vector of sustainable development of both the modern economy and the economy of the future. The author's scheme which defines a place and a role of the person in structure of modern innovative economy is offered in the article. According to the results of the analysis of the TOP-10 leading countries in the world on four global indices - national competitiveness, innovation, welfare, competitiveness of talent for three years, it was found that there is a relationship between welfare of nation life, talent productivity and, consequently, competitiveness of the country’s economy as a whole. The modern VUCA-world is characterized by unpredictability of economic conditions, conditions of education, conditions of functioning of markets for goods that are constantly changing. This determines the paradigm of professional significance of the quality of person development, namely its innovation, mobility, speed of adaptation, fresh vision, novelty, non-standard solutions, atypical creative actions. In the era of globalization of the economy, dynamism and interdependence of processes, in the development and implementation of new technologies and innovations, new thinking and a new attitude to the current changes, the direction of further research is to conduct a deeper analysis to identify those structural elements of socio-economic sphere in the country, which will form the basis for the growth of a new innovative and active generation in the future.
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