Keywords: essence of cooperation, controlling, investments, analytics, united territorial communities, socio-economic impact


For several centuries in a row, cooperation in the agrarian sector of the economy showed itself well on the territory of Western Europe. Until today, agricultural cooperatives have the potential to create competition for large agricultural holdings, thereby providing a perspective for the management of small and medium-sized producers - members of the cooperative. In Ukraine, as a result of the processes of denationalization and privatization of agricultural land, a significant number of small land owners (about 7 million people) were formed. The average area of one plot of land is 4.2 hectares. The vast majority of agricultural land is leased to agricultural enterprises, as a result of which the full owners of the land are not masters of their lands. There are a number of reasons why peasants do not want to farm, and the key one of them is that they are unable to compete with large agricultural holdings on their own. Agricultural cooperation has its historical roots in Ukraine. The potential of cooperation is obvious, but there are a number of shortcomings that prevent its establishment. The main of these shortcomings is of a subjective nature: the peasants cannot reach the level at which they will be able to: reach a compromise, jointly observe the established rules of cooperation, fulfill the obligations set in advance and the willingness of everyone to bear responsibility for the results of cooperation. In the article, much attention is paid to defining the essence of the concept of "cooperation". An own view on this definition was formed, as a result of which cooperation should be considered as a process of actual manifestation of social consciousness in the direction of their socio-economic development. A sufficient share of subjects should be formed (through awareness) to unite into agricultural service cooperatives, and at the same time, a perspective will be opened for attracting domestic investments in the direction of modernization of infrastructural support of the local environment of united territorial communities. At the same time, the potential for the use of controlling as a management system of the cooperative, the use of artificial intelligence for analytical forecasting in the uncertain conditions of modern times will be opened.


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