Keywords: competitive advantages, science, education, synergistic effect, regions, digitalisation


The article is concerned with the functioning of innovation-integrated structures. The current stage of economic development is characterised by the processes of creation of innovation-integrated structures. These structures consist of interconnected objects that perform different functions. The author emphasises that at the present stage of development of society, the introduction of innovations is increasingly a necessity for enterprises, which ensures their functioning and competitiveness. An alternative approach is based on inter-organisational exchange, association (integration). In this context, integrated structures are more innovative and achieve higher economic performance than isolated ones. The purpose of the article is to analyse the peculiarities of functioning of innovation-integrated structures, to identify their advantages and to develop directions for optimising the functioning of innovation-integrated structures. It is noted that the creation of integrated structures is a global trend, and an objective prerequisite for the development of innovation-integrated structures is a balanced system of financial and production relations between all participants in innovation-integrated structures and with external entities. It is proved that innovation-integrated structures are characterised by a geographical concentration of interrelated enterprises belonging to the same type of activity. The attention is focused on the fact that the development of regional innovation-integrated structures makes it possible to meet the regional needs and interests, taking into account its specifics. It is noted that regional innovation-integrated structures are an integration association of representatives of the high-tech segment of the regional economy, characterised by a number of advantages, which consist in the high-tech development of the regional economy through integration and development of competencies. It is substantiated that innovation-integrated structures differ significantly from conventional clusters due to their internal connections. Further research will be devoted to the problems of auditing the potential of innovation-integrated structures.


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