• Oksana Achkasova Simon Kuznets Kharkov National University of Economics
Keywords: personnel, personnel recruitment, labor market, external factors, sources of personnel search


The article is devoted to crucial problem of effective search and recruiting personnel which have necessary potential to become the driving force of positive changes in domestic enterprises’ activities. The article is aimed to analyze conditions of labor market and the structure of external sources of personnel search as the main external factors which have influence on a personnel recruitment process and develop recommendation regarding personnel recruitment which takes to account external factors. For achieving specified goal the general scientific methods were used it the article including abstract logical method, systems approach, methods of analysis and synthesis. The research papers of leading domestic and foreign scientists, the official data of State Employment Service of Ukraine were used as an information base of this research. In the article the content of personnel recruitment process and variety of factors which should be considered by domestic enterprises during recruitment process were analyzed. The necessary of taking to account external factors such as labor market and the structure of external sources of personnel search during personnel recruitment process was justified in the article. The major trends on a domestic labor market and the structure of external sources of personnel search were identified based on the analyses. The recommendations of external sources of personnel search selection by the domestic enterprises were given. The expediency of using specific job-sites during the search of personnel was justified. The right choice of the external sources of personnel search is the one of the most important conditions of effective and quick filling of vacancies. Also taking to account the major trends on a domestic labor market can help enterprises to choose right personnel recruitment tactics. The recommendations regarding to the recruitment of specific personnel categories which are deficient or excess in a domestic labor market were given in the article. The results of research have practical meaning for domestic enterprises because it provides increase of recruitment efficiency through searching and recruitment skilled worker with necessary qualities in a short period of time.


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How to Cite
Achkasova, O. (2019). FEATURES OF PERSONNEL RECRUITMENT WHICH TAKES INTO ACCOUNT EXTERNAL FACTORS. Economy and Society, (20). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2019-20-69