Keywords: hospitality, service sector, hospitality industry, economic development, economic growth, concepts


The article is devoted to current issues of the development of the hospitality industry. The main features of hospitality services are characterized depending on the formed request of the guest - immaterial, material and mixed components. The development of the hospitality industry is analyzed from the standpoint of economic development and economic growth, which is relevant and expedient today, because significant transformational changes are taking place in Ukraine today, where new goods and services are emerging due to the significant impact of information and communication technologies. The role of the service sector is systematized through the prism of theories of structural transformations of the economy, which made it possible to discover that due to the dominance of the service sector in the period of post-industrial society, the role of hospitality services is also being transformed: from satisfying the physiological needs of the guest (tasty and healthy food) to the status of "getting emotions ", free interpersonal communication. The main evolutionary stages of the hospitality industry as an economic category have been studied. The main concepts on which the modern hospitality industry functions today are characterized. It was found that the main sign of hospitality in hospitality industry establishments is a happy guest full of positive emotions and impressions, which is achieved precisely with the help of an intangible sign of hospitality. It is well-founded that the hospitality industry cannot be separated from the values of humanism because hospitality is related to accepting, welcoming or treating guests as "people". It was determined that the technological concept of hospitality is extremely important for hospitality establishments, especially in the era of the flourishing of information and communication systems. The relevance of the functional concept of hospitality, which assumes the leading role of ensuring the efficiency of management of the production and service process, has been studied. The commercial concept of hospitality is characterized, which provides for the maximization of the company's profit through the choice of strategies of behavior in the market and in modern conditions is based on the principles of diversification, informatization, and environmentalization.


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