Keywords: information technologies, marketing, marketing strategies, digital innovation implementation, digital innovations, marketing approaches


The article analyzes changes in marketing strategies through the utilization of cutting-edge technologies integrated into the corporate environment. The advantages and challenges associated with the implementation of information technologies in marketing strategies are carefully examined to reveal their impact on business efficiency. Important technological innovations such as data analytics, social networks, and e-commerce that shape the modern marketing landscape are highlighted. The research also thoroughly examines challenges arising from the increasing use of information technologies in marketing, particularly addressing issues related to data confidentiality and ethical aspects of technology use in marketing practices. Since the marketing approach in management is an important and promising component, which is due to its organizational and coordination features associated with the unification of various areas of the organization's activities into a single technological process, which, in the end, is focused on meeting the needs of the consumer, on winning certain market positions , and of course increasing profitability. The significance of adapting marketing strategies to the rapidly changing technological environment to ensure competitiveness is emphasized. The aim of this research is to comprehensively study the impact of information technologies on marketing strategies and identify key trends and challenges in the contemporary business environment. The study focuses on analyzing changes in marketing approaches and strategies driven by the widespread application of cutting-edge technologies in the corporate sector. Primary objectives include exploring the benefits and challenges associated with the integration of information technologies into marketing practices and identifying technological innovations shaping the modern marketing landscape. In the context of the research, the impact of information technologies on consumer behavior and expectations is discussed. Strategies for personalization and customer interaction aimed at enhancing consumer satisfaction and loyalty are thoroughly analyzed. The research results can serve as a foundation for developing effective marketing strategies for businesses in the modern information environment.


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