Keywords: marketing, construction industry, marketing activities, marketing strategies, marketing communications


It is difficult to imagine a modern enterprise as progressive and consumer-oriented business without the use of innovations. With proper marketing management, any area of work can improve performance dozens of times. At present, it is difficult to find a company or even a small company that does not have a marketing department, or at least a specialist in this field. Reliable analysis helps organizations achieve any marketing goals. In addition, there is an opportunity to reach a wide audience of potential buyers, improving you or other areas of the marketing plan. Even with a limited budget, the firm is able to manage it as efficiently as possible and invest in product promotion. Using a variety of marketing methods, introducing new concepts, changing the type of marketing, consumer approach, target audience research, market research helps to clearly track statistics for the development and improvement of the construction industry in Ukraine. In today's world, rapid technology for new players and it no longer seems as thorny, with many obstacles and insurmountable competitors as before. Due to the advent of the era of gadgets and digital processes, the utopian idea of pure competition no longer seems so imaginary and far from reality. Investments that a company invests in the development of the marketing department at the enterprise have much higher payback rates.The construction industry in Ukraine is developing rapidly, so the marketing department of the developer has a huge task - to develop a detailed marketing strategy, which is extremely necessary, because now we can assume that supply far exceeds demand. Planning a marketing strategy cannot guarantee great success in the construction industry, but it will allow the company to enter a competitive market and make a name for itself, show prestige to consumers who are also called investors, help survive and give the opportunity to plan further effective development. The competition in the industry, although small, is constantly growing, which obliges all market participants to use new methods and tools to stay afloat. The development of new strategies and planning used in marketing help to increase the efficiency of small and large enterprises. However, at the same time, both the supply and the whims of consumers are growing. Not for nothing, now is the period of marketing, when the main goal of companies is not to increase market share, but at least to maintain it. Therefore, when considering this topic, it is necessary to take into account both the opportunities that the company acquires and the threats arising from external factors.


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How to Cite
Ovsiienko, N. (2021). MARKETING SPECIFICS OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. Economy and Society, (26).