The article investigates the financial competencies of multinational corporations' business ecosystems. The theoretical principles of business ecosystems formation and their financial competencies are analyzed. The features of financial competencies of multinational corporations' business ecosystems are identified. The directions for improving the effectiveness of financial competencies of multinational corporations' business ecosystems are proposed. In the context of globalization and the digitalization of the economy, the role of business ecosystems is growing, allowing companies to effectively cooperate in creating innovative products and services. A special place among business ecosystems belongs to ecosystems of multinational corporations that possess significant financial resources and competencies. At the same time, effective financial competencies are critically important for the successful functioning and development of multinational corporations' business ecosystems. The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical principles and develop practical recommendations for building effective financial competencies of multinational corporations' business ecosystems. The research proposes directions for improving financial competencies of multinational corporations' business ecosystems using modern technologies and optimization of financial management processes. In particular, it is advisable to implement automated cash flow management systems, develop partnerships with financial market institutions to attract investment in innovations, improve risk management based on predictive analytics and blockchain, increase transparency and efficiency of financial control and audit by digital transformation and automation. Financial competencies are a key factor in the effective functioning and development of multinational corporations' business ecosystems. To increase their efficiency, modern approaches and tools of financial management should be used based on information technologies, process optimization, taking into account the specifics of ecosystem activities. Further research may focus on developing a comprehensive methodology for assessing and enhancing financial competencies of multinational corporations' business ecosystems.
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