Mining enterprises use a method to reduce electricity costs by managing the dynamics of power consumption. The introduction of this method gives an economic effect: due to energy savings, the share of the cost of electricity in the structure of the production cost of products of mining companies is reduced. A method is used to reduce the production cost of products by increasing the rhythm of production, for the implementation of which a set of organizational, technical and economic measures is being developed. The implementation of these measures makes it possible to reduce the cost of production at mining enterprises by increasing production volumes, reducing working time costs, and reducing penalties and fines. A synergistic economic effect can be obtained by combining these two methods. The key solution to this problem is the simultaneous control of the dynamics of power consumption and the rhythm of production, which are interconnected by the specific costs of electricity for the production of one ton of products. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the methodology for assessing the synergistic effect of managing the rhythm of production and the dynamics of power consumption of mining enterprises. To determine the most effective measures that simultaneously improve the rhythm of production and the dynamics of power consumption, the method of set theory was used; to assess the synergistic effect from the implementation of the most effective measures - analysis methods. A methodology has been developed for the economic assessment of measures to simultaneously manage the dynamics of power consumption and the production rhythm of a mining enterprise. For the first time, the influence of measures to manage the dynamics of electricity consumption on the production rhythm of a mining enterprise and obtaining a synergistic economic effect from saving electrical energy and improving the rhythm of the operation of a mining enterprise has been established. The practical value of the article lies in the fact that the developed methodology for the economic assessment of measures to improve the dynamics of power consumption and production rhythm makes it possible to reduce the cost of production and increase the profit of a mining enterprise.
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