Keywords: neuromarketing, neuromarketing tools, social networks, consumers, promotion


The article explores the concept of "neuromarketing", defines its main methods, as well as the tools used to promote goods and services in social networks. The purpose of the article is to study the use of neuromarketing tools in the promotion of goods and services in social networks. The relevance of the article lies in the fact that with rapidly changing market conditions, consumer tastes and preferences, and high competition, most standard methods of promotion are no longer effective. It is neuromarketing and its tools that help to achieve a deeper understanding of consumer preferences and moods, to identify their pains and needs. Neuromarketing is a branch of marketing that uses knowledge about the human brain and neurological processes to understand consumer reactions and influence decision-making. When promoting goods and services on social media, the use of neuromarketing tools can help you better understand and interact with your target audience. Neuromarketing on social media helps to adapt to changes in consumer demand more quickly, improve the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, provide a more personal and targeted approach to the audience, optimize content, and make brand interaction more emotionally charged and exciting for the consumer. In general, neuromarketing adds to marketers' understanding of how the human brain works in the context of decision-making and response to marketing influences, which in turn allows them to create more effective and well-targeted strategies. The authors use such methods as analysis and systematization, namely: the main tools of both fundamental and instrumental neuromarketing are systematized, the main ones used in the promotion of goods and services in social networks are identified. The author outlines the directions for improving the existing tools and their more efficient use. The use of these tools will help to create more effective marketing strategies for promoting goods and services on social networks. The practical value of the article lies in the fact that the conclusions obtained will help to improve the activities of enterprises when working with clients in social networks.


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