Keywords: management, production, trends, agricultural products


The article examines the state and trends of agar production management by economic formations of Lviv region. The research is based on the materials of statistical bodies, which reflect the main indicators of agricultural production. At the same time, special attention is paid to the indicators of agricultural production in both monetary and in-kind forms of evaluation. The study was conducted from general to specific. General indicators of agricultural production by economic agrarian forms of management are presented in monetary form. For this purpose, the current constant prices for agricultural products, which were in force in 2016, were used. This approach is to avoid the negative impact of the price factor on production volumes. This methodological approach allowed to objectively assess the volume of agricultural production during 2010-2019, both in general terms and in terms of individual industries. At the same time, research has shown that in the structure of agricultural products a larger share is crop production than livestock. And this is typical for both agricultural enterprises (large forms of management) and small farms (households). It is characteristic that although enterprises are increasing production volumes at a faster pace, they have not yet reached and have not exceeded the production volumes of households. Statistical authorities of Lviv region have paid considerable attention to the indicators of agricultural production in kind, starting from 1990 and ending in 2019. This information is valuable for our research because it allows us to assess the production of agricultural holdings in the pre-reform and post-reform periods. At the same time, crop production has a solid upward trend, with the exception of sugar beet. Livestock production has a more pronounced variety. At the same time, the production of poultry products by both enterprises and households is characterized by positive consequences. Thus, in the final conclusions it can be stated that in the agricultural production of Lviv region there have been positive trends. At the same time, large positive formations (enterprises) have achieved significant positive changes in the agrarian sphere, which are objective and natural processes of development. As for small forms of management, they should not be opposed to large farms, but the most rational to combine their interests and opportunities.


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How to Cite
Shulskyi, M., & Smolynets, I. (2021). MANAGEMENT OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION: STATUS AND DEVELOPMENT TRENDS. Economy and Society, (26).