The article highlights that due to the present domestic economy development the relevance of research on regional problems of formation and use of investment resources and investment development of a territorial unit is growing. Incompleteness of the investment market makes fulfilment of numerous national tasks complicated requiring new economic implementations in the sphere of regional economy.Contemporary processes of globalization encourage regions to improve requirements for the competition for investment resources. Their involvement and use has a direct impact on the level of the sustainable development of territories and welfare of the population. At this stage of the productive forces development there is an objective necessity before territorial units to mobilize investment resources to solve problems of the investment development. Enhancement in the investment activity is a precondition for the dynamic development of territorial units of Ukraine, since the amount of the investment resources define the rate of economic growth in the national economy. In today’s economic conditions, when the country and its territorial units are lacking financial resources, efficient formation of the investment resources is one of the preconditions for their intensive development making application of strategic investment resources management urgent both within the country and on its separate territorial units. Investment resources are the basis for economic growth of any territorial unit. Only properly formed and used investment potential through the investment resources can facilitate further increase of its territory. Thus, this encourages the study of the essence of formation of the investment resources and directions of their use on a certain territory. Therefore, at the current stage of the development of productive forces there is an objective necessity before territorial units to mobilize investment resources to solve problems of the investment development. Thereby, the essential priorities of formation and use of the investment resources in the economy of Chernivtsi region have been outlined.
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