Keywords: logistics, trade enterprise, theory, development prospects


The retrospective and development trends of the definition of the essence of logistics and its main components are studied. The modern realities of the functioning of Ukrainian enterprises pose new challenges and requirements for the organization of logistics and the search for ways to increase its efficiency. Logistics in trade combines a significant number of entities that ensure the movement of goods, which determines the complexity and complexity of the problem of implementing logistics at trade enterprises. Modern scientific developments are characterized by the presence of a significant number of interpretations of the concept of "logistics", which indicates the ambiguity of approaches and the need to clarify and develop the concept of logistics of trade enterprises, taking into account the realities of today and the needs of modern enterprises. The development of enterprises is subject to effectively formed and implemented logistics, which requires a clear understanding of its essence and main constituent elements by the management of the enterprise. The development of logistics theory is constantly evolving as logistics becomes more important to business and global supply. The theory of logistics is inextricably linked with practical aspects and trends in the development of logistics in the modern world. The functions, principles, subjects, and objects of logistics were investigated. Prospective directions for the development of logistics at the current stage are formulated (such as: digital transformation, development of "green logistics", intermodality, globalization, development of consumer logistics and risk management in logistics). The main obstacles to the formation of effective logistics at Ukrainian enterprises are outlined. Prospects for the development of the theory of logistics of trade enterprises are determined by a complex of factors covering technological progress, sustainable development, consumer trends and globalization. Research and innovation in this field is an important step in building effective and competitive logistics strategies for trade enterprises in the future.


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Hrinchenko, R., & Gorlova, O. (2024). RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS OF THE ESSENCE OF LOGISTICS IN TRADE. Economy and Society, (59).