Keywords: marketing, logistics, market economy, logistics activity, marketing logistics, innovations, marketing science


The world of marketing and logistics is experiencing a significant transformation, which is leading to the search for new and innovative solutions. This article examines the integration of marketing and logistics and investigates how it can impact business structures in a competitive market economy. The research aims to demonstrate the feasibility of implementing marketing logistics in enterprise management to enhance efficiency and foster development in modern times. The study focuses on the introduction of marketing logistics into the enterprise management system and aims to determine its position as a foundational element for improving operational efficiency. Environmental factors' influence on marketing logistics performance and organizational aspects in system implementation are key objectives. The integration of marketing and logistics in developed market relations results in the emergence of marketing logistics, offering customers extensive product disposal options and fostering integration at micro and macro levels. The implementation of marketing logistics is shown to significantly enhance company efficiency, positioning it as a pivotal element in the competitive marketing strategy. Acknowledging marketing logistics as coordinative in customer service actions, the article emphasizes the necessity of a robust information system for its successful implementation and the formation of an effective business management system. In the current developmental stage, marketing logistics emerges as a crucial component for companies seeking a competitive edge in the market. This article explores the relationship between marketing and logistics in business activities and their development. It also highlights new directions for their development. The existing views and opinions on marketing logistics in modern science are analyzed and systematized. The interconnected tasks and principles of marketing logistics are also considered. The development of logistics and marketing is examined based on recent research. Additionally, the main trends towards the harmonious development of logistics in the modern market economy are described.


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