The purpose of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of human capital development and achievement of social cohesion in the context of strategic potential formation and dynamic changes. It has been established that competencies, health, psychological well-being and cultural capital determine economic development. Human capital development is achieved by improving the level of education and skills of individuals so that they can fully participate in social, political and economic life. Human capital, as an element of strategic potential, is the main source of economic and social development of a country. Achieving social cohesion through the development of human capital is a key aspect of the stability and prosperity of society, and the formation of strategic potential, in particular in the context of dynamic changes. The main ways to achieve these goals are identified. The main problems that shape the quality of human capital and social cohesion in Ukraine are highlighted. Directions for ensuring the development of human capital in the context of social cohesion include the main goal (increasing human capital and improving social cohesion), directions (competencies, health care system, demography and the labour market, poverty and social isolation), goals (increasing the level of competences and qualifications citizens, in particular digital competences, improving the health of citizens and the efficiency of the health care system, increasing and improving the use of human capital in the labour market, reducing the level of poverty and social isolation, improving access to services provided in response to demographic challenges), intervention measures (alignment of education and training process with the needs of the modern economy, formation of an infrastructure network and ensuring equal access to information, improvement of legislation and governance, public health and efficiency of the health care system, physical culture in society, labour market that ensures the use of the human potential for economic development, migration policy as a tool for human capital management, access to services, including social and health care services).
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