The article is devoted to the study of the management of the field of physical culture and sports in the context of the implementation of strategic management and innovative aspects. With the development of society, sports and physical culture are becoming increasingly necessary components of the entire spectrum of human activity. Ukraine's integration into the European digital space necessitates the introduction of innovative management approaches. It was determined that in modern conditions, the most important factor in the successful functioning of commercial physical culture and sports organizations is strategic management. Sports and strategic management are considered as one of the types of specialized management of organizations aimed at physical culture and sports. The main prerequisites of strategic management are outlined. The role of information and communication technologies in the process of managing the sphere of physical culture and sports is defined. The main directions of digitalization of public management in the field of physical culture and sports are presented: the introduction of digital tools in the process of implementing the main functions of management, as well as in the popularization of the specified field. The experience of public administration of other countries in the field of sports is analyzed. The main problems in the development of public management in the field of physical culture and sports are considered, which include: the search for an optimal balance of public and private principles in the regulation of physical culture and sports relations, the formation of principles of public-private partnership in the field, decentralization of power and financing of sports infrastructure, the formation of a flexible system public management, development of personnel potential of managers. It was determined that for the further development of the field of physical culture and sports in Ukraine, it is necessary to analyze and take into account the experience of other countries, taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages. The state should provide funding, promote and actively pay attention to the development of physical culture and sports among the population, as well as the sphere of public management of this industry.
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