The purpose of the study is to review and analyze new scientific discoveries and research on the effectiveness of using individual biogas plants for household waste processing and to provide a clear idea of their capabilities and limitations. The theoretical and methodological basis of this study are the following methods and techniques: dialectical and abstract-logical; monographic; statistical; comparison, grouping, graphic; calculation and construction; economic and mathematical programming. It was determined that the practice of using low-tech biogas plants, which select organic waste and excrement from individual households, is widespread in rural areas of China and India. In such cases, biogas is also used for cooking, lighting or heating. Therefore, the practice has been tested in other cranes and should be adapted to the real Ukrainian economy. It was determined that the newest systems of small generation of biofuels, especially in the conditions of martial law, can partially ensure the energy security of the state in the short term. It has been proven that small biogas plants can be used within the Smart Farming system, which in turn is built on the basis of the latest farming technologies based on organic food production. As a result of the analysis, the state of development of biogas production in Ukraine was investigated. It has been established that the production of biogas in households will provide an opportunity to increase the energy independence of the state economy and provide the population with hot water supply of these entities. It was established that the potential cost of operating a small biogas plant of BSU 03/15. The cost of operation and operation will be UAH 50,000, and the payback period will be 2.2 years. The necessity of reorientation of state subsidies from compensation of the cost of natural gas to refunds to households that will purchase low-power biogas plants of domestic production has been determined. It was established that the relevant installations can be used within the framework of the "Smart Farming" intelligent agriculture system, which in turn is built on the basis of the latest farming technologies based on the principles of organic food production.
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