The article is devoted to topical issues of the essence and components of an integrated approach to the formation of a model of management decisions in the enterprise. The main features of the integrated approach to the enterprise management system are determined and its place in the management system and components are specified. Provisions and principles of the integrated approach to acceptance of the administrative decisions providing the correct and optimum system of management of activity of the enterprise are offered. The difference between the management process and local management processes is determined and it is offered to carry to local management processes: management process from moral positions; emotional management process; volitional process of management. The study also outlines the task of transforming the theoretical and methodological provisions of the management process and tools for solving management problems based on the formation of optimal results of practical decisions using the restructuring of support systems and management decisions from the standpoint of an integrated approach by adequately reflecting the impact on management. In addition, we noted that the management process in most cases consists of logical reasoning and action, and at the stage of development and decision-making is a procedure to prove or disprove the correctness of decisions. The result of the research is determined, which consists in developing a model of the managerial decision-making process at the enterprise, which describes the formation of decisions by the head-manager in thoughts, emotions, feelings and their interaction and influence on the management process of various cultural, socio-political, demographic and other factors. The article also takes into account the full range of factors of action at the time of management decision in the enterprise by the manager using an integrated approach model, which should be based on the impact of all internal and external factors on the manager and the company with their preliminary analysis to form effective prerequisites for making management decisions and taking into account their further impact on the strategic development of the enterprise in conditions of uncertainty.
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