Keywords: competitiveness of enterprises, information technology, digitalisation, factors of influence, agro-industrial complex, horticulture industry


There are theoretical issues regarding the competitiveness of enterprises in one of the branches of the agricultural industry – horticulture in modern economic crisis conditions, which arose as a result of the global economic crisis and military aggression in Ukraine are research in the article. Authors determine that the category of competitiveness and its separate area – competitiveness of enterprises - have been studied by leading scientists of the world and Ukraine for a long time, but in the current conditions, too many new problems have arisen which need to be solved using new methods and tools based on the use of information technologies used in the economy, as well as methods and tools of the digital economy. By applying them, the problems that have arisen will be solved much faster. In recent decades, a number of other problems have arisen that also need to be addressed urgently: the effects of climate change, natural disasters, local military conflicts, etc. It is shown that in the period 2022 – early 2024, almost no research in this area, and especially in the agro-industrial complex, was conducted, taking into account the consequences of the pandemic and military aggression. The article presents some of those that are directly related to the study of the category of competitiveness in the agricultural sector of Ukraine’s economy, but not all of them study the impact and consequences of new challenges in the Ukrainian economy. It is noted that many scientists, graduate students and undergraduates actively study and discuss new challenges at scientific conferences, where they also look for and propose solutions to problems. The authors show that in order to find ways to solve new problems, it is necessary to study the factors that affect the competitiveness of enterprises, which will form the basis for solving new challenges. The article examines the internal and external factors of influence on the competitiveness of horticultural enterprises and agricultural enterprises and adds new ones that are gaining more importance in modern economic conditions. Studying them and using them in economic activity will make it possible to influence the increase in the level of competitiveness of both the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine and its individual branches, such as horticulture.


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