Keywords: information technology, tourism, technological drivers, blockchain, online booking, virtual reality, chatbots


The article is dedicated to analyzing the current state of the tourist and recreational services market in Ukraine and justifying the development of services through technological drivers. The development of the hotel business in the context of the global environment is examined. The modern world is characterized by the rapid development of information and communication technologies, which significantly impact all spheres of life, including tourism. In the era of globalization, the tourist and recreational services market becomes increasingly dynamic and competitive, demanding constant improvement and adaptation to new conditions from its participants. Technological innovations become a key factor defining the development of this industry. Currently, significant attention is given to the issues of sustainable development of tourist and hotel enterprises, as sustainable development has a significant impact on improving the country's economy and is crucial for any state in any circumstances. Over the past years, including the COVID-19 pandemic and military situations, Ukraine has experienced prolonged economic crises, both internal and external, leading to a severe decline in the socio-economic situation in the country in 2022. Therefore, scenarios for using technological drivers such as mobile applications, virtual reality, and blockchain are considered to implement and improve services in Ukrainian tourism, positively impacting economic growth. The article aims to provide a comprehensive analysis and justification of the current state of the tourist and recreational services market in Ukraine. Specifically, it explores the influence of the global environment on the development of the hotel business amid the rapid advancement of information and communication technologies. In the contemporary world dominated by technological advancements, the tourist and recreational market is becoming more dynamic and competitive. Globalization introduces challenges, requiring market participants to continually adapt and enhance their offerings. In this context, technological innovations emerge as a key factor determining the industry's further development. An important aspect under consideration is the issue of sustainable development for tourist and hotel enterprises. Sustainable development not only contributes to the efficiency of the country's economy but also holds significance for any nation, especially during economic crises and challenging circumstances such as the COVID-19 pandemic and military conflicts. Acknowledging Ukraine's experience of enduring severe economic crises, including internal and external factors leading to a substantial decline in the socio-economic status in 2022, it becomes crucial to explore scenarios utilizing technological drivers for the implementation and enhancement of services in Ukrainian tourism. One potential avenue for boosting the competitiveness of the tourism sector is the utilization of mobile applications. Developing user-friendly and intuitive applications can improve the interaction between tourists and service providers, consolidating information about hotels, transportation, excursions, and other entertainment in a user-friendly format. Virtual reality stands out as another powerful tool for attracting tourists. Creating immersive virtual tours and experiences can influence travel decisions positively. The application of virtual reality opens new possibilities for marketing tourist attractions, increasing interest in the region. Blockchain, with its reliability and transparency, can ensure the security and traceability of tourist transactions. It can also contribute to the development of loyalty systems for regular customers. Considering the challenges of economic recovery and continuous changes in the global environment, integrating technological solutions can be a crucial step in supporting and developing the tourist and recreational industry in Ukraine. Such an approach allows for adaptation to contemporary realities, ensuring the efficiency and competitiveness of Ukrainian tourism in the global market.


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