Keywords: organizational innovations, intangible resources, employee knowledge, outsourcing, intellectual-intensive business


The article is devoted to the problems of introducing organizational innovations into the activities of modern companies. It is justified that the use of technological innovations in the company can be encountered quite often, with organizational innovations much less often. Therefore, the so-called "new innovation paradigm" is currently spreading in society, the essence of which is to consider technological and organizational innovations as interconnected aspects of a single innovative business. Organizational innovations are aimed at increasing business efficiency, reducing administrative and transaction costs, therefore it is advisable to build a management system for organizational innovations on the basis of structural and functional characteristics. It is substantiated that the system of organizational innovations affects corporate strategy and culture, organizational structure, knowledge management systems and the construction of new strategic alliances. Organizational innovations play an important role in the search for new directions for the development of companies in the conditions of crises, conflicts, disasters, military actions, emergency situations that constantly require the adoption of original decisions. New organizational innovations are aimed at the implementation of previously non-existent ways of interaction with other enterprises, in particular, scientific organizations, suppliers, outsourcing. Organizational innovations in the process of creating jobs are associated with the implementation of new approaches to the distribution of responsibility and authority among employees. The implementation of certain organizational innovations creates a suitable working space in which the employee develops his knowledge and competences in the best way, reveals his creative potential. In addition, organizational innovations are aimed at increasing the company's productivity by increasing employee satisfaction with their modern workplace. A good example of the use of organizational solutions is a cloud-based innovation management solution. Since a company's external relations are an important part of any business strategy, using new ways of organizing these relations is also organizational innovation. These include the establishment of new types of cooperation with universities, market research institutes and state institutions, in particular, stakeholdership.


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How to Cite
Krasnostanova , N., Yaromich, S., & Voloshchuk, S. (2024). ORGANIZATIONAL INNOVATIONS IN THE LOGISTICS LANDSCAPE OF MODERN ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (59).