The article provides a scientific argumentation of the importance and relevance of conducting research on the peculiarities of forming an employer brand development strategy for an organization as a conceptual platform for implementing a human-centered approach in the context of socio-economic reality. It is emphasized that the formation of a powerful employer brand will help overcome qualification holes and gaps, as well as reduce barriers to accessing decent jobs. A methodology for forming a strategy for developing an organization's employer brand based on the use of dynamic SPACE analysis is proposed. The SPACE analysis is modified by defining generalized criteria, namely: the strength of the employer brand, the attractiveness of the organization in the labor market, the competitive advantages of the organization's HR management system and the stability of the labor market. Each of the identified generalized criteria is characterized by a system of partial indicators. Using the ranking method based on the results of expert evaluation, the weighting coefficients of partial indicators are determined. To evaluate the partial criteria, it is proposed to use a five-point scale (where 0 is the worst measure and 4 is the best one). A conditional example of assessing the level of development of the organization's employer brand is provided, based on which the trajectory of its development is determined. According to the methodology of classical SPACE analysis, for the current and predicted states, the vector can be placed in one of four quadrants («aggressive state», «competitive state», «protective state», «conservative state»), which will characterize the strategy of employer brand development. A matrix of strategic recommendations has been developed to determine the basic trajectories of change in the state of the strategic position of the employer brand of an organization. The result of applying the methodology is the development of strategic recommendations for the formation of a strategy for the development of the organization's employer brand, which, in turn, allows increasing its competitiveness in the labor market. It is outlined that the use of dynamic SPACE analysis makes the developed methodological tools not rigidly regulated but flexible and effective for strategic diagnostics of the employer brand and the formation of its development strategy.
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