The article outlines the impact of the development of human capital and the level of digital competences of an individual on the level of development of innovative activity and rating indicators of Ukraine in international ratings of the development of innovative activity and digitalization of national economies. The subject of the study is indicators that determine the development of human capital in global indices of innovative development and network readiness, and their impact on the position of the national economy of Ukraine in international rankings. The research methods were the method of generalization (when forming summary data of the country from international ratings), the method of rating indicators (when determining the level of development according to a certain indicator based on the ranking places of the country) and the method of comparisons (when determining the positions of the country in the ratings and the influence of individual indicators on these positions). Analyzing the indicators that make up the Global Innovation Index, it was determined that Ukraine's strengths are the employment of women with higher education and scientific degrees, the development of school education, in particular the student-teacher ratio. According to these indicators, Ukraine ranks highest among all other indicators in the ranking of innovative development. According to the "Human capital and research" component of the Global Innovation Index, Ukraine has the highest positions, which characterizes the presence of sufficient trained human resources for conducting scientific research and developing innovative activities. It is substantiated that innovative activity in the conditions of digitalization of the economy is interrelated with digital changes and the readiness of the national economy to accept them. It was determined that in terms of the level of digital readiness, Ukraine shows high growth rates, as evidenced by the improvement of the ranking positions according to the Global Network Readiness Index. It is substantiated that the dynamics of changes in the positions of Ukraine in the rating of network readiness indicates significant positive changes in the level of digital training and literacy of the population, readiness and perception of digital changes, as well as in the field of public administration and the development of e-government. It is substantiated that the level of personal skills, digital readiness, level of education, investment in personal development is one of the strengths of the national economy of Ukraine and significantly affects the country's position in international comparisons of the development of investment activity and digital readiness.
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