Keywords: innovative methods, public administration, economy, electric power, European Union, Ukraine


The need for an in-depth study of electricity systems, the reasons for their formation, the peculiarities of electricity as a commodity, the differences of electricity markets from markets of other industries, modern forms and methods of state regulation of the electricity industry, analysis of foreign experience in regulating the development of economic relations, as well as the conditions, goals and reasons for reform in the countries to which Ukraine sells or can and should sell electricity are determined by today's requirements. Ukraine's economic, technical, environmental and political cooperation with international organizations is determined by the fact that integration into European networks is considered a key moment in the reform of the electric power industry and requires the development and solution of a number of problems related to the integration aspirations of the state. The purpose of the scientific article is to deepen the theoretical foundations, improve methodological provisions and develop practical recommendations for the implementation of innovative methods of state management of the electric power industry of Ukraine. Forms of state supervision and regulation of electricity markets are defined. The goal of state regulation of pricing in the electric power industry has been formed. The purpose of state regulation of electricity pricing is: protection of the economic interests of consumers against a possible increase in the electricity tariff; creation of a mechanism for the optimal balance of economic interests, on the one hand - the producer of electricity in terms of ensuring the sufficiency of the received funds for the expansion of production, and on the other hand - electricity consumers in terms of ensuring the competitiveness of products and the level of social security; creation of conditions for the producer of electrical energy that stimulate optimization of production based on the improvement of activity efficiency, use of new equipment, advanced technologies and organizational solutions while ensuring the necessary level of safety, reduction of non-productive losses and improvement of the economic feasibility of investment projects; ensuring the possibility of short-term and long-term forecasting of changes in the level of electricity tariffs for consumers. The main tasks of state regulation of the electricity market of Ukraine have been proven. The conducted studies showed that the main feature of the electric power market and its difference from the markets of other industries is due to the fact that the electric power industry is a natural monopoly and, in fact, is a complex technologically unified electric power system.


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How to Cite
Kozlovskyi, V., Nozdrin, D., & Pushnenko, A. (2024). MODERN FORMS AND INNOVATIVE METHODS OF STATE MANAGEMENT OF THE ELECTRICAL INDUSTRY. Economy and Society, (59).