The modern economy is going through a period of intensive digital development, which significantly changes the conditions of business operations in all spheres. From traditional manufacturing processes to marketing and customer service, all aspects of business are becoming increasingly dependent on digital technology. The article examines the impact of the development of digital transformation on the activities of enterprises, as well as key trends and challenges arising in this context. In particular, the advantages of digital transformation are discussed, such as increasing productivity, increasing competitiveness, creating a new business model and making a number of management decisions regarding changing the strategic direction of enterprises in the conditions of the modern business environment. In today's world, against the background of the rapid development of technologies, the concept of digital transformation has become a necessary component for ensuring the efficiency, competitiveness and sustainable development of enterprises. This process, which encompasses the implementation of digital technologies and the transformation of business models, defines new standards of efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises in a global market environment where innovative technologies are intertwined with all aspects of production, management and interaction with customers. Contemporary business needs, such as cyber security and staff skills, facing enterprises in the process of digital transformation are also considered. The relevance of the use of stages that help ensure the successful launch and development of a business in a digital environment is substantiated. One of the key benefits of digital transformation is the ability to optimize business processes. Using digital tools to automate routine tasks and optimize internal processes leads to increased efficiency and reduced costs. The second important aspect is the optimization of business processes through automation. The shift from traditional service methods to digital channels such as mobile apps and social media allows businesses to personalize their services and products.
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