Keywords: monetary policy, banking sector, anti-crisis management, anti-crisis regulation


The paper studies the role of monetary policy and the banking sector within the framework of the anti-crisis financial management system. It was established that anti-crisis management is defined as a complex and complex process that requires the use of a differentiated arsenal of tools, non-standard management solutions, experience and knowledge. It was established that anti-crisis management should be understood as a microeconomic category that determines relations at the level of a specific bank during its recovery, and the concept of anti-crisis regulation should be understood as the actions of the government and the central bank aimed at protecting banking institutions from crisis situations. It was found that anti-crisis measures are closely related to the choice of financial stability support tools and the establishment of relationships between regulators of different levels in making appropriate decisions. It was found out that the concept of «monetary transmission mechanism» should be understood as the relationship between the transfer of changes in the use of differentiated monetary policy instruments by the central bank, with the aim of their impact on the financial situation in the country, which in turn influences the macroeconomic state. It has been established that the effectiveness of monetary policy depends on the following key aspects, such as: price stability, credit and investment activity, aggregate demand, economic growth, as well as the economyʼs ability to withstand endogenous and exogenous challenges, sovereignty and national independence. On the basis of the conducted analysis, it was determined that the issue of functioning of anti-crisis management systems of financial stability is divided into strategic, tactical and operational levels of organizational support of anti-crisis management, in which each subject is a management system and must perform clearly regulated functions, where only due to such conditions the banking sector will be able to carry out effective anti-crisis management. As a result of the research, it was found that monetary policy is a key tool of anti-crisis financial regulation, which is used by the central bank to achieve strategic goals of stability and economic development.


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How to Cite
Zaichko , I., Myhovych, T., & Krykhovetska, Z. (2024). THE ROLE OF MONETARY POLICY AND THE BANKING SECTOR IN THE ANTI-CRISIS FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Economy and Society, (59).