In the context of increasing competition in the global market, enterprises need to constantly innovate to remain competitive. Innovative activity of enterprises includes various aspects, such as the development of new products and services, the introduction of new technologies, the creation of new marketing strategies, etc. Marketing innovations are an important tool for enhancing innovative activity of an enterprise. They allow an enterprise to increase its competitiveness, conquer new markets, and increase profits. The purpose of this article is to determine the role of marketing innovation in activating the innovative activity of an enterprise taking into account the characteristics of international economic relations. The relevance of the article is determined by the following factors: the intensification of competition in the global market requires enterprises to activate their innovative activity. Marketing innovations are an important tool for activating the innovative activity of an enterprise. They allow an enterprise to increase its competitiveness, conquer new markets and increase profits. The characteristics of international economic relations also require enterprises to activate their innovative activity. In the competitive struggle in the international market, enterprises need to constantly introduce new technologies, develop their marketing strategies to meet the needs of different consumers. The article used the following methods: analytical method for processing theoretical sources and statistical data; comparative analysis method for comparing the experience of other enterprises; expert assessment method for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing innovations. The article found that marketing innovation plays an important role in activating the innovative activity of an enterprise taking into account the characteristics of international economic relations. Marketing innovation can help an enterprise to: improve its competitiveness by providing new products and services that meet the needs of consumers; conquer new markets by adapting its marketing strategies to the needs of different markets; increase profits by reducing costs and increasing sales. The results of the article can be used by enterprises to activate their innovative activity taking into account the characteristics of international economic relations.
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