Keywords: enterprise value, business value, approaches and methods of value estimation, value-based management


The article deals with the methodological and analytical basis of formation, evaluation and management of enterprise value in modern economic conditions. The need to determine the value of the enterprise is closely related to various aspects of management and arises in the context of a number of business needs. According to both theoretical scientists and business practitioners, the value of an enterprise reflects its basic properties as a business entity. The basis of assessment is always a set of methodical approaches, methods and assessment procedures corresponding to a certain type of property value, and the objects of assessment are property and property rights, which are subject to assessment and classified according to various criteria. The formation and evaluation of the value of the enterprise in modern conditions becomes not only a component of the implementation of a certain business process, but also an object of management for achieving strategic and operational business goals, which in modern conditions is embodied in value-based management. Maximization of advantages and leveling of disadvantages of value-based management is ensured through the proper management mechanism, and the selection of adequate tools for evaluation and management. The article examines the financial condition of KIOSK VENDING LLC, which is a commercial enterprise operating in the niche of vending trade. The enterprise has positive financial results, full self-sufficiency and high economic independence and financial stability. The value of the enterprise was calculated using a number of cost estimation methods. The discrepancy in the calculated estimates fully proved that different methods sometimes interpret the value of the enterprise in the same time period in the opposite way. Based on the results of the analysis, directions for overcoming the problems of the theoretical and methodological basis of cost management were determined, and proposals were made for how to implement these directions in the company’s activities. Thus, the basis of management should be the complex value of the enterprise, where assessment methods play an important role, and the implementation of these recommendations will significantly increase the efficiency of operations and contribute to the growth of the value of the enterprise.


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