Keywords: strategy, social development, motivation, personnel, personnel potential, social development strategy


The article analyzes the strategy of the social development of the enterprise, substantiates its importance for the growth of the level of labor productivity, the improvement of the quality of products (services) and the development of the economic activity of the enterprise as a whole. The main components of the company’s social strategy have been studied. The main components of the enterprise’s social strategy have been analyzed: It consists of the enterprise’s personnel potential development strategy, the enterprise’s basic social strategy, and the enterprise’s employee social security strategy. A detailed description of the company’s personnel potential development strategy was made, and its close connection with the practical implementation of various aspects of personnel management was clarified. This strategy should be considered as a continuous process, which includes the following elements: planning of personnel needs of the enterprise, the strategy of the formation of the personnel of the enterprise, the strategy of the development of the personnel of the enterprise, the strategy of the use and retention of personnel, the motivational mechanism, the strategy of reducing the personnel of the enterprise. The functions of social management and the management system of social development were analyzed, it was established that profitable, economically developed enterprises have a competently developed complex social system, because the well-being and financial prosperity of any business entity depends on social policy. The factors affecting the formation of the social development strategy have been characterized, and their classification has been carried out. The main areas of social development management are the internal and external social environment of the enterprise. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of the features of social development management. It is noted that when developing a strategy for the social development of an enterprise, the specifics of management should be taken into account, since both subjects and objects of management in this case are people.


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How to Cite
Мahmudov H., & Chukhlib, R. (2023). ANALYSIS OF THE ENTERPRISE’S SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY. Economy and Society, (58).