The article examines the topical issue of the development of the distributed energy generation segment of an industrial city from an economic point of view. The use of distributed energy generation increases the level of energy and environmental security of the city, and also allows saving energy resources and funds from the city budget. Purpose of the article: research and generalization of economic features and development opportunities for the distributed energy generation segment in an industrial city. Research methods: systematic approach, analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization. The structural and functional features of the segment of the city's distributed energy generation, which affect its initiated development, are determined. The resource, communication, investment and financial aspects of the development of the distributed energy generation segment of the industrial city are considered. The city's distributed energy generation segment includes: distributed energy generation systems and decentralized energy generation systems. Both types of systems ensure a reduction in losses during the transmission of electrical and thermal energy to consumers, which means saving energy resources. The objects of the distributed energy generation segment are interconnected by localization in the city and interaction with the territorial community represented by the representative body of local government. To generate energy in the distributed generation segment, resources from traditional and renewable sources, as well as secondary energy resources, are used. The conditions and factors that should be taken into account in the economic justification of investment projects for the development of the segment of distributed energy generation are systematized. Attention is paid to the economic benefits, reserves and risks from the use of elements of distributed energy generation in urban energy and heat supply. Ways of taking into account the considered economic aspects in the development of programs and projects for the development of the segment of distributed energy generation during the post-war reconstruction of the industrial city are proposed.
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