The article is devoted to the analysis of the tourism industry in Ukraine during the wartime period. The theoretical foundations of tourism development in modern conditions are characterized. The essence of tourism as an economic phenomenon is considered. An analysis and comparison of the grouping of regions of Ukraine by types of tourism in 2021 and 2022 was carried out. The priority directions and geography of the tourist product are defined. It has been proven that, despite everything, the tourism sector works by approximately 30%, focusing on travel within the state. A new tourist product is being created, new tourist routes are being formed where bomb shelters are indicated, curfews are taken into account, and rules of behavior near critical or military infrastructure facilities are taken into account. A proposal on the prospects for the development of the domestic tourism product was formulated and new promising areas – philanthropy and psychological tourism – were proposed. Despite the novelty of this direction, in the available electronic circulation of sites of travel companies that offer psychological tours today, as already noted, we find a considerable variety of interpretations of the definition of the essence of psychological tourism (psy-tourism). Practically all tourist operators compare psychological tourism with eco-tourism, which is not true. But psychological tourism as a type of tourism includes qualified psychological support for the purpose of personal development and psychological relief of clients: "a combination of good, interesting rest and the acquisition of useful psychological skills"; "a new direction in the service market, combining organized recreation, professional and personal growth. Psychological tourism in Ukraine is promising and rapidly developing in connection with the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine. Because of this, there is an urgent need for the rehabilitation of fighters, which can take place both through individual work with a psychologist and through the use of psychological methods in the field of tourism, which is currently relevant and more effective in these conditions.
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