The theoretical foundations of scholars who have studied the concept of a self-learning organization are analyzed. The key prerequisites for the implementation of flexible systems of training and development for employees are identified. It is proven that in the current conditions of economic development, it is important to formulate clear tools for building flexible learning systems, in particular, self-learning organizations. The expediency of applying the concept of a self-learning organization to Ukrainian IT companies is substantiated. The key advantages that IT companies have over organizations in other areas are identified: the possibility of on-the-job training, highly qualified and motivated staff, a flexible work schedule, high rates of updating knowledge and information, and the high relevance of applying the acquired knowledge and skills in practice. The author considers the main typical situations of organizational learning application: training of newcomers to the company, training of newcomers on specific projects or departments, and training of current employees. The author analyzes the forms and methods of organizational learning to ensure the flexibility and adaptability of training programs. The main advantages of budding are indicated, and the main provisions for applying this method in practice are outlined. The use of internal video materials to improve the skills of employees at different levels is substantiated. The main positions of employees who perform the role of trainers in companies are considered. The expediency of the process of setting goals, monitoring results and determining final indicators is substantiated. The results of training affect the professional growth of personnel, which affects the level of remuneration and career advancement. Successful organizational training can be achieved if all components are in place: prepared training materials and plans, availability of quality consultants, high motivation to learn, correct goal setting, proper feedback, etc. A number of scientific methods were used to draw conclusions: analysis, synthesis, comparison, and system analysis. The economic feasibility of applying the above measures to modern IT companies is theoretically substantiated. The result of the study is the formed elements of the process of professional training of employees based on the principles of flexibility and adaptability.
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